Isn't it beautiful out? I've been finding inspiration everywhere. Today I got creamed on the tennis court (and I'm very competitive) so I had to remind myself to enjoy playing the game simply for pleasure. Then I got caught up watching a single butterfly flying around a bush and I was overcome with gratitude for my wonderful life. I'm listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer's audio of The Power of Intention and have been feeling quite in tuned with controlling my thoughts. We don't realize how powerful our thoughts are and how we manifest lack and abundance into our lives on a daily basis. Iyanla Vanzant says, "As long as you are holding on to what you have, your path of possibilities is blocked. The holding can be mental, emotional or physical. In any case, it is a sign of fear." When we hold on to things, people, ideas it is because our conscious minds are focused on lack. When you think lack you attract lack. When you think abundance, you attract abundance. Simple, right?
So just for today, every time you find yourself focused on a problem or a negative aspect of your life I want you to stop and change your thought. Dr. Wayne Dyer teaches that everything comes in response to the vibration of energy, so shift away from lower vibrations (jealousy, fear, anger, depression) and into higher vibrations (Source, love, forgiveness, peace, gratitude).
Our minds get stuck on thoughts such as: I never have enough money. No one appreciates how hard I work. I suck at my job. I'm a horrible mother. No matter how hard I try I just can't do anything right. We listen to people who tell us that we are not good enough, strong enough on the right path and we take this to heart. But Dr. Dyer offers this small exercise in retraining our thoughts. Instead of think the lower vibrational thoughts that I have outlined above, he suggests focusing on:
It's already here; I just need to connect to it. Nothing can stop my creative ideas from materializing. I've banished all doubt. I'll soon be seeing evidence of my manifestations everywhere... I urge you to give the power of retraining your mind a try. Trust me it works, because it is happening to me.
Be blessed and oh, so very happy!
Love, Light and Laughter!