Monday, February 7, 2011

The First Trick

photo by Sadeqa Johnson

One of my good friends teaches pole dancing (I know ladies I'm lucky to be friends with her, free lessons), and I was gabbing to her about my writing dilemma.  I'm having so much fun writing the blog, but I also have novel number two on my desk, and I'm wondering if I have a spiritual book up my sleeve.  What should I do?  Where do I start?  Her response to me was, "Why don't you just focus on the first trick."  The first trick?  "Yes, when I teach my dance class too often my students worry about the complete combination of dance moves instead of focusing their attention on one move at a time." 

I sat with her comment for a few, quickly realizing that she was saying to me what I say to everyone else.  Stay present.  Don't focus so much on what's coming next, enjoy this moment and let the next one flow with effortless ease.  Lose yourself in the beautiful movements of life, one step at a time. 

When my grandfather was alive his favorite saying was, "do what you feel."  If it feels good than you are on the right path, but if your stomach is bubbling up and your body is showing resistance than stop.  Too often in life we get caught up in what's going to happen next, what's suppose to happen next and what we want to happen next.  We are taught at an early age to have five year plans, ten year plans, and even twenty year plans but what about leaving a little room for spontaneity? 

It's the moments that aren't planned that often give us the most pleasure.  So let's all take it one trick at a time!

Namaste Beautiful.
Love, Light and Laughter!

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