I was reading Ebony magazine, the one with the cast of Jumping the Broom on the cover and there was a wonderful article on how being happy can change your life. I read the article in the nail salon while getting yet another thirty dollar gel manicure that's supposed to last me two weeks when in all actuality last me about five days, but I try to remain optimistic each time I go (and next time will politely demand a discount). The article said that some people are just not happy. They walk into every situation unhappy and if a happy person and an unhappy person are faced with the same issue it's always that much worst for the unhappy person. My friends laugh at me all the time because I'm always trying to see the sunny side of things. While out to dinner the waitress came to the table and was quite abrupt, and one of my friends commented, "I don't like her she's nasty." I said, "well, let's just kill her with kindness. She can't be nasty if we are all sunshiny sugary sweet." Everyone laughed and the mood of the table changed.
On a flight yesterday, the cabin attendant tried to have me and my three children removed from an already delayed plane because my lap child (little Miss bossy) was slightly over age. This woman went so far as to march down the aisle and call the pilot on me! I was nervous because the next flight wasn't for three hours and I didn't want to fork over any more cash to get home. I sat in my chair breathing deeply while asking that God make me equipped to handle the outcome. When the attendant returned she said, "today is your lucky day. The only reason why you are allowed to stay on is because there is a pilot who has to get to Newark and there is no time to waste." I smiled pleasantly and thanked her. Now of course on the inside I'm thinking who in their right minds kicks a women traveling alone with three children off a one-hour flight? Is it really that serious? But I remained cool and pleasant and didn't let the fact that she embarrassed me in front of rows and rows of patrons get to me. I dug in deep for my reserve stock of inner happiness because what would I have gained by being pissed off and cursing her out in my head for the duration of my flight? My stomach would have been in knots, the way I interacted with my children (who were excited about the plane ride) would have been tainted and the trip would have ended sourly. Instead I remained positive and even smiled and thanked the flight attendant for a lovely trip. Was this hard? Not really because I refused in that moment to give away my power and my right to enjoy a pleasant trip with my children.
We have choices. We can choose to let something throw us completely out of whack and ruin our whole day (trust me it has happened to me more times that I can count) or we can choose to let negative energy roll off of our shoulders and look on the brighter side of things. By being present to the moment we don't give the negative encounters of the past our attention.
If you find this hard the Ebony article suggested building yourself a happiness first aid kit complete with things that automatically bring you joy such as; a playlist, the smell of lavender and patchouli, candles, a rock that you collected from last years vacation to the beach, a photo of someone who always makes you smile, a dried flower from a lover, lacy underwear, lemon ginger tea, bath salts, a favorite crystal, or a strawberry shortcake sticker. Make yourself a small box or container and store it somewhere where you can get to it when you need to bring yourself back to center.
Everyday I try my very best to radiate happiness from within and act as a beckon of Light for everyone I encounter. Your challenge for this week is to radiate Light, whether it's being reciprocated or not. Don't let someone else's attitude take away from your natural, God given right to be happy. Smile, it's contagious and have a sun shiny week! You're entitled to it!
Love and Laughter!
Love it! I agree with your thought about changing the mood and atmosphere. We can choose to be a sour puss or a happy camper. Thank God for peace,patience and power to feel good no matter thee circumstance.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post...you had the presence of mind to remain calm, stay in control and seek the power of the Almighty to deal with whatever came your way. Very deep.